Choosing to Attend US Conferences
My thoughts on attending US conferences given America's current political climate.
My thoughts on attending US conferences given America's current political climate.
On 2023-02-08 I got hit by a scammer. This blog post talks about the things I did wrong and what I can do to ensure future attacks aren't successful.
2020 was an absolutely crazy, awful year. Unfortunately it followed up what was the worst year of my life in 2019. In this article I talk about my experiences with the pandemic and why my blog has been quiet.
My mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer and became bed-ridden. I cared for her while she died a painful, degrading death. In this article I talk about something I take for granted but can be taken from you…using the bathroom.
I've grown weary of having my entire online existence under surveillance so companies can attempt to squeeze as much revenue out of me as possible. In this revenue I talk about the problem and what I think we can do to help fix it.